Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Introducing Kate & Alvin, the face of the U Financial support team!

Welcome to our new blog platform for U Financial! Before we get into some awesome features, updates, and articles, let’s begin by introducing Kate and Alvin:


Alvin is a friendly and enthusiastic individual whose overall look is professional, youthful, and approachable. Alvin represents our ‘frontline’ customer service representatives that U Financial clients would meet upon first walking into our branch.

Alvin is a very intelligent young man who has knowledge in many professional spheres: particularly, the financial kind. You can often find Alvin staying late after hours crunching numbers and possibly, falling asleep at his desk to ensure his client accounts are properly looked after.


Kate is a spunky, incredibly intelligent individual whose financial savvy and extensive knowledge bring support to the U Financial team. Kate has a high level of professionalism that is clearly demonstrated through every interaction she has with her clientele and staff. Kate also has her MBA (Master of Business Administration) and is a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst).

In addition to her excellent level of education, she has impeccable fashion sense: with her adorable hair bun, tights, and ribbon belt, she is indeed one cute and professional looking young business lady. Kate, much like Alvin, works very hard for U Financial clients to ensure quality and efficiency through dedication and commitment.

The Title Store & U Financial

In the fall of 2016, the marketing team began working on branding for U Financial. It made sense to add the warmth and personality that Kate and Alvin bring to the U Financial name. It was important to the company that the new name would reflect the outgoing, fun, friendly, and professional staff here at U Financial.

So how did we introduce this dynamic duo?

On October 31st, 2016, Kate and Alvin were seen for the first time on our Title Store social media platforms appearing in black and white.

With the pair comfortably seated in The Title Store’s ‘little red corvette’, now known as The Title Stores’ official logo and brand, the transition in launching into the holiday season with The Gingerbread House campaign was an easy one. This was a kick off charity fundraiser in support of Edmonton’s Food Bank and 630 CHED’s Santa’s Anonymous which also introduced Kate, Alvin and the little red corvette to the Edmonton community with a 'Here I Am!' bang. Indeed, the pair were featured in brilliant colored banners, logos, and icons on social media where we were successful in our collection of non-perishable food items and new toys.

By mid-December, Kate and Alvin cleverly unwrapped each letter of the U Financial name right up until Christmas Day where the U Financial name was assembled on their Christmas tree. Following Christmas, they carefully packed up the new letters and transported them over to U Financial. On January 1st, 2017, we launched a video on The Title Store social media showing Kate and Alvin driving through Edmonton in the red corvette which cleverly transforms into purple, thus directing our followers to the new social media platforms for U Financial. This can be seen on The Title Store Facebook page.

All of this was posted on social media for both The Title Store and U Financial throughout the month of December 2016. While Kate and Alvin have migrated over to the U Financial social media, the little red corvette remains the primary logo for The Title Store to this day.

Both social media platforms continue to promote each component of their perspective business names through dynamic visuals that bring the ‘human’ element of warmth. This builds the bridge between our clients and our staff by demonstrating the kinds of products and services we provide in a comprehensive manner.

U Financial in 2017

U Financial is an Edmonton based specialized service provider of alternative financial products and services. The company is in the process of re-branding their physical location and website along with tailoring and providing *new* client products within the next 12 months. This will coincide with the current branding on the U Financial social media platforms. At present, U Financial offers debt consolidation loans for clients in need. More info to come as newer products roll out. The U Financial website will launch in the spring of 2017. Watch for it!

U Speak Blog

The U Speak blog is our newest social media platform primarily representing U Financial. Here, we will feature the latest U Financial news, updates, and resources. We encourage comments on our blog and welcome all new visitors, sharing of content, and inquiries. You will see a convenient menu at the top of the blog that directs you to all our social media platforms and websites (with U Financial currently under construction). We encourage everyone to subscribe to our blog so that you don’t miss all the cool products and community events we will be promoting in 2017.

There are many exciting things on the horizon as we charge full steam ahead into 2017. We look forward to engaging with our community, networking, and connecting with new clients through one on one interaction via phone, email, and at our branch. We plan on hosting two huge charity fundraisers each year: one at Christmas and the second in the spring/summer months. We love networking and engaging in community events so look out for the little ‘purple’ corvette with Kate and Alvin!

Most of all, welcome to U Financial!

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